Sunday, March 6, 2016


The black revival of Africa has in the past been linked with a phoenix that rises from the ashes.
Presently the phoenix sits on the ashes of the past, it is time to rise above it and soar again.

The phoenix cannot build its nest in the ashes of past pain.

A wound cannot heal when the scab is constantly being scratched open.

Freedom is rising to new heights,

not staying grounded or try and retrieve that what is lost.


A phoenix will spread its wings and embrace its freedom.
Freedom is not gained by fighting among one another.

Remembering when Germany embarked on a mission of ethnic cleansing it was split in two.

She had to hide behind a wall for many a decade.

African settlers, have their ancestry in Europe.

The sentiment of the European countries can change easily if their offspring is being suppressed by a war-like situation.

The old saying that blood is thicker than water holds every time.
One continent can no longer isolate itself from the rest of the world.

Suppression and racism give the impression of a a pending war.

 One can see the beginning of a snowball of rejection gathering momentum when economic giants withdraw their investments from an environment where their kind feels threatened.



In the future funds will be diverted to situations where peace can be restored and the global environment sustained.


Leaders of our civilization are recognizing that at the core of this planet, we are united.   Just as gangrene on a toe threatens the health of a body, so gangrene in any nation threatens the global health.   The waters that wash the coast of Africa also finds its way to the coasts of every other country in the world.

We are ONE.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Cecil the Lion - Canned Lion Hunting

Thoughts about the death of Cecil the lion.
Can humanity stoop any lower than to gain the trust of an animal and then kill and behead it in such a cruel manner, all for the love of money and the lust for killing?
In my opinion it is either an emotionally sick person or a coward with too much money who would stoop so low as in the case of Cecil The elderly captive lion, where he has been hunted and wounded for hours before he was finally shot and beheaded.
 Often the killer would pose with his trophy-kill while smiling with satisfaction.

The hunted canned Lion entered the after-world in a state of fear, pain and disillusionment with man.

Most canned lions were reared by humans. They gained their trust. For an animal to die in fear after adopting and trusting human caregiver is a sin that does not celebrate the glory of any God.

There are target shooting clubs offering competitions and video games where they can show off of their shooting expertise.

I would like to introduce the LAW OF KARMA or THE LAW OF CAUSE-AND-EFFECT to all people who value money above the life of the lesser creatures from the wild. This law states that what you do to other will return to you 10 fold. The Bible states that The LORD is slow to anger and abundant in faithful love, forgiving iniquity and transgression, but he won't acquit the guilty. He recalls the iniquity of fathers to the third and fourth generation.
It will take four generations for humanity to totally purge today's transgressions.

You have not only harmed yourself and your family with your greed, you shamed the whole of humanity who shares your transgression and the relationship between humanity and the animal kingdom.
Have you ever wondered why people who steel for a living remain poor or/and spend their last days on earth suffering and in ill health or die from a violent death?

From another angle, perhaps we can consider this in the view of evolution. There were times when the settlers from foreign countries hunted down and killed the native humans for sport, much as is being done to animals today. ….... or has humanity evolved in this respect at all …... if we consider what is happening in the war-zones of Africa?

The above article provides a few issues we, fellow humans can ponder on relating to the evolution of the soul of humanity (the sum total of human consciousness). We need to ask ourselves the question, what can I do about it? After all we cannot stand outside of humanity.

There is compensation; God has a loving and forgiving heart. It is up to humanity to do the same because many transgressors did not realize that they sinned. We need to educate, forgive and strive for a better tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The sound of the African drum


the sound of the rhythm of the beating of her drums which

pulse like blood through her arteries and veins.

From the high mountain tops and deep valleys the sound calls her people to unity.

The drum is the voice box Mother Africa -

It synchronizes to the heartbeat of her people.

Her rhythm stirs their bones to single action.

Her sound calls her people to her breast.

The message beats out loudly:

"Feel the soil on which you stand, my children it's your soil ……

Your continent.

Your Africa

All who stand on it are your brothers and sisters -

Nurture them, feed them, love them and heal them.

"I am not calling you to war or discrimination against your brother of different skin, tongue or faith.

I call for the war against separation.

I call for the power of unity.

I call back my natural heritage and the sound of nature.

I call back the pride of Africa.


My children I give you all you need to nurture all of you

Export not my rich bounty for a ransom, but feed your starving brothers, sisters and animals first.

Educate my children, nurture them heal them and give them shelter.

Return their strength so they too can dance to the rhythm of my pulse.

One Drum

One rhythm - One action - One continent - One power

One United AFRICA

!ke e: /xarra //ke

16 April 2006

Reviewed 19 May 2007
This post is in a process of being reviewed 17-11-2014

Photograph: From a popular desk calendar sold at stationery shops in South Africa.

A message from the Ancestors of Africa

Take from the past all that is pure and beautiful and build on it the future.
Let your children never forget their roots.
Protect the wild animals for they carry your past into the future.
Forget not your kingdom, oh children of the African jungle.

Large animals, with horns or tusks, like the rhino and the elephant, are sacred.

Horns and tusks, on living wild animals, are symbols of the African sword, just as the lion is the symbol of our strength and our kingship.
The sword is the symbol of the African warrior our pride and kingdom

The gun is a symbol of the robbers of our land and killers of our people.  The gun is a symbol of slavery and when our children who were torn from our mother’s bosom to far away places for the comfort and pleasure of foreigners.   

The gun is not a symbol of African power.   It is a symbol of suffering and bloodshed.   Hate the gun.

We should despise those who carry guns to kill our sacred symbols in the wild.
Those who rob our sacred symbols are cursed.

The lion is the symbol of our victory, strength and the African way of life.
We despise those who cage the symbols of our strength, or shoot our wild animals for trophies on foreign walls.   We spit on cowards who ride on African power …   dead powers on walls.

Do not forget the old way, children of Africa, as you walk into the future.
Remember where you come from,    we can see our heritage the eyes of the animals in the wild.

Protect those who live wild as you once lived.  Protect those who know the secrets of yesterday, secrets of your free and wild past.

When the lion dies the power of Africa goes to foreigners.

Protect animals with horns and tusks, for they remind is that this land is ours and it is worth preserving.
Wild animals use their horns, or tusks to fight for territory, as our ancestors used the sword to fight for this land.   Land that people with guns robbed from us.   Hate the gun.

African people, may you find a way to bring the power of the jungle, into the global consciousness of your tomorrow.   Preserve the wild animals, carriers of our secrets.   They are sacred.  Africa is sacred.

If the above message sounds believable, believe in its origin and if it does not, regard it as fantasy.   A children’s bedtime story.

Much truth lies hidden in children’s novels.


Click on underlined words to view the photo album

Friday, June 27, 2014



Hush now the dawn is waiting
And the cry of the newborn day will have so much to say

Hush still while the birth of the day paints the sky
For in silence the soul is nearby

Hush while the new day takes its first breath
The world is again new and fresh.

Hush the day is crowning
and in this moment the world’s sorrows are drowning.

Hush, the world has so much to say.
In stillness, we find our way.

Hush; listen to the heartbeat of the day
The glory of the coming one is on the way.

Lord be with us.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014



Theft and corruption are among the biggest evils in developing nations.    This does not mean that it does not occur in mentally polarized nations, but it is of a different nature.   Thinking people understand that actions have consequences and they are therefore generally (not exclusively), law abiding.

Taking something that one did not work for can have far reaching effects by trapping people and nations in poverty.    Stealing from another, results in negative counter action.

Although we have people from all ‘walks of life’ in all nations, nations are judged by the level of evolvement, of the majority, and the maturity of national leadership.

Jungle law depends on taking from the environment for survival and procreation of the specie.   This is not viewed as theft, in the jungle, but as a means of survival.   Jungle law allows for the strongest of a specie to eliminate the weaker ones.

Poverty, lack of spiritual guidance, absence of birth control and education, traps people, from developing nations, into a living status of urban-jungle-survival.

An urban-jungle-survival lifestyle, places much stress on both the environment and a country’s resources.    So much money and time is wasted on damage control and bringing those who fall foul of the law to justice.   Without a true understanding of national evolutionary psychology, developing nations are fighting a loosing battle against the destructive forces within developing countries, which are today threatening the stability of the earth.

A person (or nation), with jungle mentality, who spent most his/her life learning survival skills, will be a destructive force when in possession of a gun.  He will kill, in order to take what he wants without any remorse.  

Weapons of mass destruction in the hands of primitive people or physically polarized nations can and will be used for war which will results in death, destruction, economic stress, and threaten global may threaten global stability.

Could you imagine an atom bomb in the hands of a developing nation?

The problems of ‘boys’ playing with daddy’s toys’ is already at crises stage.   It can no longer be ignored, but is there anything that can be done to restore equilibrium?

Racism can either be a form of jungle law politics, or a form of protection against a jungle law threat.   -    This is a story for another day.

Please note that this article does not suggest that all developing people or nations are immature or destructive forces.   Some ‘poor’ nations are in fact ancient and are the custodians of secrets forgotten by the developed world.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Today’s prayer is that the money in the world moves from the hands of the self-centered glut and the destructive forces among us,  into the hands those who aim to uplift humanity.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


What Africa strives for or desires will become her future.

All collective thought eventually materialize

Let humanity visualize a positive outcome to counteract negative forces.
We need to spend more time visualizing life on earth being governed by  Hierarchy and the love of Christ in the hearts of the people.   (Hierarchy = God’s parliament: His senior disciples, angels and saints).   

We need to visualize more frequently "heaven on earth" as if the negative conditions are long forgotten and pushed into the archives of the past struggles of humanity.

We need to cultivate a vision of a new world of peace.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012




Daar het ‘n doringboompie
vlak by die pad gestaan,
waar lange ossespanne
met sware vragte gaan.
En eendag kom daarlanges
‘n ossewa verby,
wat met sy sware wiele
dwars-oor die boompie ry.
“Jy het mos, doringstruikie,
my ander dag gekrap;
en daarom het my wiele
jou kroontjie platgetrap.”
Die ossewa verdwyn weer
agter ‘n heuweltop,
en langsaam buig die boompie
sy stammetjie weer op.
Sy skoonheid was geskonde;
sy bassies was geskeur;
op een plek was die stammetjie
so amper middeldeur.
Maar tog het daardie boompie
weer stadig reggekom,
want oor sy wonde druppel
die salf van eie gom.
Ook het die loop van jare
die wonde weggewis -
net een plek bly ‘n teken
wat onuitwisbaar is.
Die wonde word gesond weer
as jare kom en gaan,
maar daar die merk word groter
en groei maar aldeur aan.   


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

POEM IN THE MAKING (Help welcome)

Carte Blanche

 Help me find words for this poem –

In memory of Bat the baboon

This poem aims to point out how we as conservationists make decisions regarding nature purely from a human viewpoint.

People working with nature need to cultivate the ability to tune into the life of their project.   Before killing Bart an attempt should have been made to understand how and why life failed him and shaped his behavior.

We make decisions about removing alien vegetation without considering the animals that have been using that vegetation for food or shelter for centuries and the birds that migrate to nest in the ‘alien’ trees or the buck that used it for camouflage.

Please help me to find words for this poem to highlight the above concerns.

In Memory of Bart

Bart was only a baboon, but ahead of his time was he.
Protected from howling wind, blistering sun and winter freeze,
shady branches of trees he shared with the bees.
From Table Mountain slopes, everything he could see.
Food was scarce but his family he could feed.
The mountain was his garden and plants grew freely from seed.
Bogom say Bart with with Cape Town at his feet.

Conservationists looked up and thought this we do not want to see.
The mountain slopes are a forest  where natural flora once grew 

(in toeka se tyd) 
How long ago that was, if ever, no-one knew.
We think generations ago our "blommeprag"  was there for all to see.

Bogom say Bart, this is our home, can you not see? 
Our shelter and food was in that tree.

Gone with the trees, there is no place for it now,
Lets chop them and bun them to the ground
Three hundred year old giants, aliens somehow.
Bart looks around but his bogom comes without a sound. 

Fear and panic strikes his tribe when the first tree hits the ground.
This is our home,where will food and shelter now be found?

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Ons is Boere
Ons is ons eie baas
Julle kan sing wat julle wil
ń Baas is nooit Klaas.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


(Defuse the bomb of racist slander)

K.A.F.F.I.R. they call us, so what does it mean.
By examining the letters the truth will be seen.

K. stands for KING
Yes kings are we.

A. is the first letter of the alphabet – A1
Yes, first in AFRICA were we.

F. stands for FIRST,
Just so you know we, were here before all.

F. will also stand for FOREMOST, FINEST, FIERCE.
Yes, that compliment I’ll take.

I. – That is me,

R. stands for RULER,
Yes, the ROYAL RULERS of Africa are we.

K.A.F.F.I.R. they call us, we accept.


We call you BOER (Meaning Farmer), you work our land. Just so you know – that’s how things stand.

B. – Stands for BROTHER,
O. – Stands for ONENESS
E. – Stands for ‘EENHEID’ (Unity in Afrikaans)
R. - is there to REMIND us to build the RAINBOW-nation.

We are all K.A.F.F.I.R. and we are all B.O.E.R.
We work the soil together on our land, the one South Africa.

(Revised Post)
Ex Unitate Vires 27-Jan-2010

Photograph information: Popular desk calender sold in South Africa for local and international visitors.