(Defuse the bomb of racist slander)
K.A.F.F.I.R. they call us, so what does it mean.
By examining the letters the truth will be seen.
K. stands for KING
Yes kings are we.
A. is the first letter of the alphabet – A1 –
Yes, first in AFRICA were we.
F. stands for FIRST,
Just so you know we, were here before all.
F. will also stand for FOREMOST, FINEST, FIERCE.
Yes, that compliment I’ll take.
I. – That is me,
R. stands for RULER,
Yes, the ROYAL RULERS of Africa are we.
K.A.F.F.I.R. they call us, we accept.
We call you BOER (Meaning Farmer), you work our land. Just so you know – that’s how things stand.
B. – Stands for BROTHER,
O. – Stands for ONENESS
E. – Stands for ‘EENHEID’ (Unity in Afrikaans)
R. - is there to REMIND us to build the RAINBOW-nation.
We are all K.A.F.F.I.R. and we are all B.O.E.R.
We work the soil together on our land, the one South Africa.
(Revised Post)
Ex Unitate Vires 27-Jan-2010
Photograph information: Popular desk calender sold in South Africa for local and international visitors.
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